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We Help Solve Conveyancing Challenges.

From conveyancers seeking support to firms that aren't sure where to start procedurally, we'll give you the blueprint you need to enhance your practice for lasting results.

Firms & Individuals

Whether your a well established firm, a new practice, or an aspiring conveyancer, bring us your toughest conveyancing challenges and we'll provide actionable solutions and highlight opportunities for success.

Opportunities for Success

Regardless of your particular struggles, we have unique and customized solutions. We’ve developed proven systems to train teams, implement procedures, and streamline transactions.

5 Areas of Growth

Do you have a streamlined conveyancing practice but are struggling to take it to the next level? Our Success Kit outlines the 5 areas for growth, and how to access them.


New for 2024: Mastering the Solutions to your toughest conveyancing challenges.

What does success in conveyancing look like for you?

Whether you're an aspiring conveyancer, a seasoned professional, or a lawyer, our one-on-one Solution Session is designed to help you pinpoint your most significant challenges.

From there, we'll provide you with a free Success Kit, customized to address your specific struggles and goals.


J.T., Taylor Miller Law Group

Can I ask how long you’ve been working in this way? Seems like a slick operation.


Breanna, Blue Sky Legal Group

[This] has been an essential tool in teaching me conveyancing. Convey BC offers user friendly courses that breaks down each element of conveyancing in a simple but meaningful way.


K.H., Smith Hutchison Law Corp.

A total delight to work with.


Law Firm Client

Thank you for your persistence and hard work. I let the powers to be know how happy we are with the job you did for us. Thanks again.


K. Young, Madrona Law

If you want to understand conveyancing from beginning to end, with highlights of important flags to watch for, then this is for you!

Why Cconvey?

With over a decade of experience helping dozens of firms with their transactions - we've seen it all!

From fully systemized and streamlined offices to firms that aren't sure where to start procedurally. We'll give you the blueprint you need to empower your team for lasting results.


What will I receive?

You'll receive a full one on one call (Solution Session) addressing your current challenges, with recommendations for solutions. Once the call is complete, we'll provide you with a customized Success Kit from information discussed on the call.

What is the Success Kit?

Our focus is to offer tailored strategies and insights to overcome your hurdles while identifying five key growth areas within your practice. The Solutions Session serves as a guided exploration, shedding light on untapped potential and providing actionable steps to propel your growth in the conveyancing landscape, which we will then incorporate into your customized Kit.

What is a Solutions Session?

A Solutions Session is a personalized, one-on-one consultation designed to tackle your unique challenges and goals in the realm of conveyancing. During this session, we delve into your specific queries, whether they pertain to conveyancing intricacies, office workflows, enhancing client experiences, or other related areas.

From there, we can provide you with solutions, tools, and support to help you attain your unique aspirations.

What is the cost?

The Solutions Call and customized Success Kit is completely free.

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